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  • What to Pack
    We do not provide laundry service so please be sure to include enough clothing for three days. *キャンプ場では洗濯ができませんので、3日間分の着替え(Kids On Air Tシャツ、下着、靴下を含め)を持たせてください。 <バス車内持ち込みバッグ(ナップサック等の小さなリュック)> 1. 1日目のピクニックランチ / First day lunch and disposable container for picnic *キャンプ場へ到着後、ピクニックランチをします。使い捨て可能な容器に入れてお持ちください。 ストラップ付き水筒(250ml~500ml) / 250ml - 500ml water bottle 酔い止めのお薬など / Medicine for carsick ハンカチ・ティッシュ / Handkerchief・Pocket Tissue <バス下トランク預け荷物> 長ズボン、薄手の長袖シャツ / Long pants, long sleeve shirt (The weather may be cool in the evenings.) 3日間分のお着替え(Kids On Air Tシャツ含め) / Spare clothing set 水着 & ビーチタオル / Swimsuit & Beach Towel 水遊び用のウォーターシューズ / Water shoes ライフジャケット *湖で泳ぐ際は必須となります / Life Jacket (We will swim in the lake) レインコート / Raincoat パジャマ / Pajamas 帽子(日除け防止のため) / Hat (for sun protection) 日焼け止め / Sunscreen バスタオル / Bath towel 歯ブラシと歯磨き粉 / Toiletries - Toothbrush, tooth paste, shampoo, soap etc. 虫除けスプレー / Insect repellent 寝袋 & 寝袋マット / Sleeping bag and Bed roll タックショップ用のお金 1,000円 / 1,000 yen for Tuck Shop (100円玉でお持ちください / Please bring 100 yen coins)
  • Daily Schedule
    Daily schedules vary depending on the camp and age group but below is an example schedule. 8:00 - Breakfast / 朝食 9:00 - Teacher challenge game / ティーチャーチャレンジゲーム 10:00 - Swimming and games / スイミング & ゲーム 12:00 - Lunch / ランチ 13:00 - Team challenges game / チームチャレンジゲーム 15:30 - Tuck Shop and Free activity time / タックショップ & フリーアクティビティー 17:00 - Dinner / 夕食 18:00 - Shower time / シャワー 19:00 - Outdoor movie / アウトドアムービー 20:30 - Good night / 就寝
  • Check-in and Pick-up Times
    Check-in and pick-up time and locations will vary depending on the camp and age group. Please refer to the check-in and pick-up details provided in your camp info pack.
  • How do I register my child?
    You can register your child by selecting the age group right for your child and filling in the sign-up form for the event you'd like them to attend.
  • Health Forms
    The health form is included in the online registration forms. It does NOT need to be completed with initial registration, but it MUST be completed no later than June 1 (or at the time of registration if after June 1). The form will ask about camper vitals, allergies and dietary restrictions, medications, immunizations, health history, and health insurance.
  • Medication Addendum
    The Medication Addendum is an additional downloadable form that MUST be signed by a physician in order for camper medications to be dispensed. This applies to all campers who will be taking medication while at camp. "Medication" means both prescribed and over-the-counter, including vitamins and supplements. The camp Nurse legally may not accept medications without an accurately completed and signed form. Campers requiring emergency medications, such as an epi-pen or inhaler, will not be permitted to check in without their medication and the signed form.
  • Refund/Cancellation Policy
    Cancellations for campers who registered early between November 15, 2022 and March 31, 2023 and who paid in full, may receive a refund of payments made, minus the deposit, IF we are able to fill their space, or a refund of 50% of payments made, minus the deposit, if we are unable to fill their space. We are happy to transfer payments made, minus the deposit, to another session or season if there is availability. Cancellations prior to June 1st may receive a refund of payments made, minus the deposit, ONLY if we are able to fill their space. NO refunds will be made after June 1 for any cancellations (unless for a verifiable medical reason). Campers leaving the program for any reason after it begins will still be responsible for the full program balance and will not be eligible for any refund.
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